Planet MariaDB Server

The MySQL library is, the MariaDB library is or I’ll list some quirks that I think are relatively unknown but good to know. I’ll end with a pointer to a function that’s good to have. mysql and mariadb clients don’t themselves use .so libraries To illustrate, here’s the file mysql.dir/link.txt that I… Continue Reading MySQL and MariaDB client .so libraries on Linux… Read more
By pgulutzan
I recently shared two posts (here and here) with results for sysbench on a large server using Postgres versions 10 through 17. In general there were several large improvements over time, but one small regression that arrived in Postgres 11.x. This blog post provides more details on the problem using results from Postgres 10.23, 11.22 and 17.4.The regression occurs starting in Postgres 11.22 because Postgres is more likely to use bitmap index scan starting in 11.x. I have yet to learn why or how to prevent that.Index scan vs bitmap index scanExperts gave me great advice based on a few… Read more
By Mark Callaghan
Source: Small Datum
MariaDB is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the MariaDB Connector/Java 3.5.3, 3.4.2, and 3.3.4 releases. Download Now Release … Continued… Read more
By Daniel Bartholomew
In a recent conversation, I had the pleasure of speaking with Michal Schorm, the maintainer of MariaDB packages for Red Hat and Fedora – and newly elected Observer on the MariaDB Foundation Board. … Continue reading "A Conversation with Michal Schorm: MariaDB in Red Hat and Fedora" The post A Conversation with Michal Schorm: MariaDB in Red Hat and Fedora appeared first on…. Read more
By Kaj Arnö
MariaDB has had a voting feature in its issue tracker Jira since the dawn of time, but it hasn’t got much active attention. Despite that, there are now many Jira community items that have collected a fair amount of votes over the years. … Continue reading "Give MariaDB Jira votes and comments" The post Give MariaDB Jira votes and comments appeared first on…. Read more
By Robert Silén
MariaDB SEQUENCE is a storage engine that generates a sequence of positive integer numbers. However, in this article I will show you that it’s easy to use SEQUENCE to generate more complex sequences, that are not necessarily numeric. This is a very convenient way to generate relatively simple synthetic data. Numeric sequences SEQUENCE generates a numeric sequence, even though these numbers can be converted to something else. We specify a minimum, a maximum, and optionally a step (or increment). SEQUENCE tables are created on the fly when you query a non-existing table with a name that follows a certain pattern…. Read more
By Federico Razzoli
Source: Vettabase
When performing backups, reducing the amount of time your server is locked can significantly improve performance and minimize disruptions. Percona XtraBackup 8.4 Pro introduces improvements in how DDL (Data Definition Language) locks (aka Backup Locks) are managed, allowing for reduced locking during backups. In this post, we’ll explore the impact of these enhancements. TL;DR (Summary) […]… Read more
By Satya Bodapati
Source: Percona
One week left to join the AI RAG Hackathon with MariaDB Vector and Python!  Winners get to demo at the Helsinki Python meetup in May, receive merit and publicity from MariaDB Foundation and Open Ocean Capital, and prizes from Finnish  … Continue reading "One week left to join AI RAG Hackathon by Helsinki Python meetup (remote participation possible)" The post One week left to join AI RAG Hackathon by Helsinki Python meetup (remote participation possible) appeared first on…. Read more
By Robert Silén
MariaDB supports stored procedures written in procedural SQL. Which essentially means “SQL with IF’s and loops”. Most DBMSs do the same, but every project supports different, incompatible syntaxes. MariaDB implemented Oracle’s dialect, called PL/SQL. The base of the current procedural language was implemented in MySQL, before MariaDB existed. As far as I know, MySQL Community Edition improved triggers a bit, but never improved the procedural language itself. MariaDB developed several features and optimisations and made stored procedures and triggers faster and easier to develop and maintain. Some PL/SQL features were included in the native language, with the same or similar… Read more
By Federico Razzoli
Source: Vettabase
New maintenance releases for MariaDB Enterprise Server 11.4.5-3, 10.6.21-17, and 10.5.28-22 are now available. These releases include new backported features. … Continued… Read more
By Daniel Bartholomew
I just submitted a MySQL Contribution and I would like to gather feedback about it.  Depending on the received feedback, I might submit an updated contribution.  The contribution is Counters for Slow InnoDB Sync Reads, and its goal is to make MySQL easier to operate on “complex” IO subsystems (like network drives in the cloud). The bug report / feature request Bug #117740 :… Read more
By Jean-François Gagné
This guide explains how to set up a MongoDB 8 Replica Set and monitor it using PMM 3, all within Docker. We’ll guide you through the steps to create a local environment, configure the necessary components, and connect them for effective monitoring and management. The guide is written in detail for beginners. In the conclusion section there are ready configurations for the experienced. The recent release of Percona Monitoring and Management 3 introduces several new features:… Read more
In this blog, we will look at the differences between LTS (Long Term Stable) versions of Percona Server for MySQL. Released in April 2019, MySQL 8.0 represented a major change from the previous version, 5.7, introducing significant changes to the data dictionary and enabling many features and enhancements. It also provided no direct downgrade path, […]… Read more
By Dov Endress
Source: Percona
Are MySQL 5.7 and 8.0 faster than 5.6? That depends a lot on the workload — both types of SQL and amount of concurrency. Here I summarize results from sysbench on a larger server (48 cores) using 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20 and 40 clients to show how things;drthe workload here is microbenchmarks with a database cached by InnoDB5.7.44 is faster than 8.0.x at all concurrency levels on most microbenchmarksfor 5.6.51 vs 8.0.xfor point queries, 5.6.51 is faster at = 5.7.44.(QPS for $version) / (QPS for MySQL 5.6.51)The numbers in the spreadsheets are the relative QPS. When the… Read more
By Mark Callaghan
Source: Small Datum
I recently shared results for Postgres vs sysbench on a large server. The results were mostly boring (it is rare for me to spot regressions in Postgres) but there was one microbenchmark where there was a problem. The problem microbenchmark does a range scan with aggregation and the alleged regression arrived in Postgres 11. With advice from Postgres experts it looked like the problem was an intermittent change in the query plan.In this post I explain additional tests that I did and in this case the alleged regression was still there, but like many things in DBMS-land it depends, there… Read more
By Mark Callaghan
Source: Small Datum